Ranking of Austrian Online CSR Reports

Results 2020: Strabag - Annual Report 2018

For the ranking in each category (Strategic Approach, Open Information and User Orientation) click on the respective link below.

1. STRATEGIC APPROACH2712.511.942.8
a. Were the material aspects identified according to the criteria of the GRI standard?
b. Does the company take responsibility for its impact along the entire value chain?
c. Does the corporate strategy include a management approach to all material topics?
d. Are both harm reduction strategies and maximization of benefits pursued?
e. Have appropriate structures and processes for sustainability management been set up and sufficiently presented in the report?
2. OPEN INFORMATION259.86.226.9
a. Does the report make clear and complete statements? (Key figures on all material topics, interpretation of development, definition/evaluation of goals)
b. Is the report balanced? (positive / negative developments, solved / unresolved problems, etc.)
c. Are internal and external stakeholders appropriately involved and are the relevant structures and processes disclosed?
3. USER ORIENTATION236.64.017.0
a. Is the report clearly structured according to the material topics?
b. Is the text clear and precise, easy to understand and read?
c. Is the visualization appealing and does it support the understanding of the content?
d. Is the report user-friendly and are online features sufficiently utilized? (Target group specific approach, optional information, links, timeliness, interactivity etc.)
TOTAL RANK & SCORE2728.953.686.2


(provided by students, how the company should improve its report)

I recommend Strabag to revise its materiality analysis and re-analyze the topics to focus on what's really important.

Strabag should think more about their responsibility for its impact along the value chain. They only talk about their offers along the value chain.

What I do not like about the report is that climate change adaptation, sustainability adjustment and anti-discrimination in their materiality analysis are clustered as issues in the material analysis, but they are not clustered as MATERIAL issues. (STRABAG, annual report 2018, p.35)

What I would recommend is that they have to revise their materiality analysis and consider the sustainability as more relevant.

I do miss some negative aspects like challenges and failures.

Strabag should include their stakeholders by a decentral approach. For the Company is mostly decentrally organized, they should encourage their business units to invite and include their local, regional and national stakeholder groups to develope and establish sustainabilty strategies according to the specific enviroment of the unit.

The task of the CR-department in the CEOs office should be defined as coordination and harmonization of these local activities. Additionally it should support and provide the information exchange according to CR and sustainabilty between different units and departements.

The structure is exactly stated and "sustainability" is represented at management level. Nevertheless, the internal processes are not described. My recommendation is to set the focus even higher and to specify the processes precisely to ensure traceability.

For the visualitzation, my improvement proposal would be to contain more pictures report. Also interaction would make the report more appealing.

Maybe they shouldn’t be putting 17 photos on the first 17 pages of the report. You have to scroll a long time to find the information you’re looking for.

The report is not complete. Some information are not mentioned in the report directly, you have to open another file or the company website or another file, instead (for example the value chain). This is a disruptive factor. Furthermore I would suggest that the company create an own CSR report for the better navigation and one can better address relevant topics.

It would be better to separate the CSR report from the annual report.

They should design the report more interactive and user friendly, like linked table content or the visualizations.

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