Ranking of Austrian Online CSR Reports

Results 2020: Asfinag - Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2019

For the ranking in each category (Strategic Approach, Open Information and User Orientation) click on the respective link below.

1. STRATEGIC APPROACH341.915.845.1
a. Were the material aspects identified according to the criteria of the GRI standard?
b. Does the company take responsibility for its impact along the entire value chain?
c. Does the corporate strategy include a management approach to all material topics?
d. Are both harm reduction strategies and maximization of benefits pursued?
e. Have appropriate structures and processes for sustainability management been set up and sufficiently presented in the report?
2. OPEN INFORMATION224.37.927.3
a. Does the report make clear and complete statements? (Key figures on all material topics, interpretation of development, definition/evaluation of goals)
b. Is the report balanced? (positive / negative developments, solved / unresolved problems, etc.)
c. Are internal and external stakeholders appropriately involved and are the relevant structures and processes disclosed?
3. USER ORIENTATION216.25.119.0
a. Is the report clearly structured according to the material topics?
b. Is the text clear and precise, easy to understand and read?
c. Is the visualization appealing and does it support the understanding of the content?
d. Is the report user-friendly and are online features sufficiently utilized? (Target group specific approach, optional information, links, timeliness, interactivity etc.)
TOTAL RANK & SCORE282.451.691.4


(provided by students, how the company should improve its report)

Include internal stakeholders in the analysis and interact with them. Implement multi stakeholder approach and dialog to ensure reaching the SDGs. Also, highlight which stakeholders voiced which concerns to ensure transparency.

List the values for more transparency and to ensure trust and understanding. This would also provide a broader understanding of the actions and measures taken by Asfinag. These could also be graphically shown to highlight them.

Provide an English version of the report to reach people/investors on an international level and provide them with information as well. Providing an English version should be self-evident.

There is still potential concerning interactivity and the use of videos in the (online) report. These could also provide a better understanding by showing „behind the scenes“ footage, interviews or summaries of the report and convey emotion.

Videos and animated graphs would make the report more interactive. Cross-references and hyperlinks to other sections of the report could round up the interactiveness and appeal of the report.

Most material topics could be covered in even more detail. The relevant, involved structures for each topic could be dealt with more transparently, as well as which stakeholders raised which material topic.

The report could present the company’s values more explicitly. Also the impact along the value chain could be reported more visually, eg. with an informative graphic with the most relevant impacts in every phase of the value chain summed up.

ASFINAGS focus regarding further goals should go more in the environmental protection direction, since the other areas are already covered quite well. They have already started with the implementation of such goals but can expand.

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